KNOCK 2 will be available this Saturday the 26th of October.
KNOCK 2は防水透湿のメンブレンのKING-TEXをライナーに搭載した防水性と、シューズ内の湿気を外に逃がす透湿性が向上した一足です。トレイルラン用のvibram社のソールにFREELOCKシステムは健在で、PGらしい一足へとアップデート。クラッシックな面持ちの前作より、スタイリッシュでモダンなシューズに仕上がっています。買いやすいプライスにもこだわった一足。
The popular KNOCK 2 model in beige suede is back with KING-TEX. This model is equipped with KING-TEX, a waterproof and breathable membrane, in the liner, which allows moisture in the shoe to escape to the outside, improving breathability. The FREELOCK system is still in place on the vibram sole for trail runs, and it has been updated to a pair that is uniquely PG. The shoes are more stylish and modern than their classic predecessors. This pair is also priced to be easy to buy.
41 | 25.5cm~26cm
42 | 26.5cm~27cm
43 | 27.5cm~28cm
44 | 28.5cm~29cm
27,500 JPY
(2024/10/26 12:00 ~ 2024/10/28 23:59)